Custom Covers

 -Genuine Walnut Wood.  All of our covers are cnc fabricated from genuine walnut, which can then be ebonized for a nearly jet-black look or left alone to show off the natural grain.  From there they are sealed with a matte finish lacquer to enhance the colors and protect the wood.

-Make your pickup unique!  We can custom inlay any of our covers by using a CO2 laser to engrave the design into the cover, and then filling in that design using our powdered inlay material.  This is the same process that we use to apply our logo to the cover.  Virtually any design can be engraved and inlaid, the design just needs to be black and white.

-The Process.

  1. Send us an email letting us know which pickup you're looking at, what color you'd like, and your design attached.
  2. The design needs to be black and white.  Colors or gray scale will not work.  The black areas of your design will be inlaid.  If a black and white version is not available to you, we may be able to make one ourselves.
  3. We'll send you a quote for the pickup, including the custom design.  Most custom designs will be around $75, but this can vary one way or the other.
  4. If the pricing is ok with you, we'll send you an invoice that includes the pickup and the design.
  5. Once the invoice is paid, we'll send you a CAD drawn proof for you to approve that shows how big your design will be, and where it will be located, on the pickup that you're purchasing.
  6. If everything looks good, just send us an email telling us that we're good to go, and we'll get right to work making your custom pickup!

-The Colors

Here's a pic of some of the colors that we have:

Along with those we also have gunmetal, which is what we use as our standard logo.